See where we’ve been — People’s Journey: Wood

People’s Kitchen Collective

People's Kitchen Collective (PKC) works at the intersection of art and activism as a food-centered political education project. Based in Oakland, California, our creative practices reflect the diverse histories and backgrounds of our crew. Written in our families' recipes are the maps of our migrations and the stories of our resilience. It is from this foundation that we create immersive experiences that honor the shared struggles of our people. We believe in radical hospitality as a strategy to address the urgent social issues of our time.

Meet the Collective


MARVIN K. WHITEPoet, writer, preacher, public theologian, visual artist, and arts organizer—Marvin K. White, MDiv, is currently the Full-Time Minister of Celebration at the historic Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, CA. He is the aut…


Poet, writer, preacher, public theologian, visual artist, and arts organizer—Marvin K. White, MDiv, is currently the Full-Time Minister of Celebration at the historic Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, CA. He is the author of four collections of poetry published by RedBone Press: Our Name Be Witness; Status; and the two Lammy-nominated collections last rights and nothin’ ugly fly.

Photo Credit: Sana Javeri Kadri

NAMU FARMSNamu Farm grows predominantly crops of the Asian diaspora. Our focus is to adapt both East Asian subsistence farming practices, as well as seed cultivars to the challenges of production farming in dry, hot conditions. Photo Credit: Si…


Kristyn grows predominantly crops of the Asian diaspora. Her focus is to adapt both East Asian subsistence farming practices, as well as seed cultivars to the challenges of production farming in dry, hot conditions. 

Photo Credit: Sita Kuratomi Bhaumik

MAK-’AMHAMmak-’amham is an Ohlone cultural institution empowering our community with tradition—and we teach the public, through taste, of our unbroken roots. Photo Credit: Fox Nakai


mak-’amham is an Ohlone cultural institution empowering our community with tradition—and we teach the public, through taste, of our unbroken roots.

Photo Credit: Fox Nakai